Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Review: Hide & Seek Devotional

 Hide the Word & Seek the Lord Devotional by Stephen Elkins
Hide God's Word in your heart, and seek Him in your life! Best-selling author and Grammy-nominated artist, Stephen Elkins, has created an exceptional product that includes everything parents need to get their children excited about spending time with God. This book contains 52 Bible stories, devotions, verses, prayers, and free-streaming audio of Scripture memory songs children will love singing along to. Narrated by Kirk Cameron, this full-length album reinforces the Bible verses and helps children commit them to memory. 
My Review:
I have to say first that I haven't read the whole book yet, in fact, I just started.  I was very excited to read this to my boys, ages 10 and almost 5, to see how they liked it.  I thought they would be a much better set of eyes and ears for this particular review.  
I have tried many times to find bible related stories on a level that I can read to them without boring them and losing their attention, esp. the 4 yr old.  This is the one!  It is a series of stories and devotions concentrating on key stories of the bible and some great lessons.  
The first one was about Moses parting the Red Sea and leading the Israelite's out of Egypt.  The following devotion was "Greater Than Great", describing how our God is an awesome God.  Both of these were very short and to the point, which served to keep their attention, and the devotion used comparisons to explain how special "awesome" was.  
I was so excited because after we were finished, my 10 yr old brought out his bible and asked me to read the full story of God using Moses to part the sea, they both listened.  Afterward, my 4 yr old asked to hear about Noah and the boat!  Reading this to them enabled me to discuss things with them and led me to realize they really do learn from our children's church services at our church..  I honestly thought they just played a lot and didn't get much out of it, they just didn't seem to.  Tonight, however, I am very proud of my boys, and the people who teach them at church!  I feel like they are really learning and maybe could turn out to be good Christian men!
I give this devotional 5 stars, because it's the first thing I have found to truly catch my children's attention and make them want to hear more.   

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